An informative interview on temple murals-THE HINDU 10/2/08
  • It is a thought provoking Interview of David Shulman, disciple of
    John Marr, who in turn was disciple of U Ve Swaminatha Iyer.

    Means U Ve Sa is his PARAMAGURU !

    Talks about Sthalapuranams, sthalavrikshams, murals and need to
    preserve murals.. particularly Devasiriya mandapam of Thiruvarur.

    Thiruvarur has been playing important role in Tamilnadu Polity in
    the democratic system as well ..

    Some of us are bringing these things to the attention of those
    handling " CLASSIC TAMIL LANGUAGE " ...

    Their attention will be drawn to this matter also.

    We should thank the Media for highlighting and REACH CHANDRA for
    brining to our attention..

  • "... Talks about Sthalapuranams, sthalavrikshams, murals and need to
    preserve murals.. particularly Devasiriya mandapam of Thiruvarur.

    Thiruvarur has been playing important role in Tamilnadu Polity in
    the democratic system as well ..

    Some of us are bringing these things to the attention of those
    handling " CLASSIC TAMIL LANGUAGE " ...

    Their attention will be drawn to this matter also..."

    Being the most active moderator of PS group, and also the trustee of
    REACH foundation, I am sure Mr.SB@SPS can surely take this to the
    right place. So also, we need the accounts & auditing of HR&Ce, their
    maintenance of temples and also their data base of temples and their
    allocation of funds. A tall order? Through RTI act? Any help?
    Thanks in advance mr.SPS!
  • Being the most active moderator of PS group......

    Dear Chandra,

    We hardly MODERATE any mails. We try to kindle interest and keep the
    group's think-tank active.. Trust that clarifies.

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