Kunjaramallan Rajaraja Perunthachan
  • The name of Rajaraja Perunthachan features in the famous thalicheri
    kalvettu in Raajarajeswaram. It also features another major sculptor
    Nittavinodhap perumthachan. Who was the cheif architect of big temple ?
    we unfortunately do not know. Only two names out of several thousand
    hands that worked for big temple project have survived

    Kunjaramallan is a title given to mal yuddha champions or experts. Thus
    we find rajaraja perunthachan as a multifaced personality. But at this
    point of time we are not sure if he was the chief architect.

    The "design and construction" should have been influenced by many -
    including the emperor himself

    > designed and constructed by one of the great grandfathers of
    > Dr.Ganapati Sthapati, Kunjra Mallan Raja Raja Perunthachan, during
    > the 10th century AD under the patronage of King Raja Raja Chozhan.

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