ancient martial arts, weapons
  • Hi All;

    I dont know if this has been much discussed. But i feel it would be great to
    know about the weapons and martial arts practised during the Chola, Pandya
    era. There were weapons like Valari which were used till about 200 years ago
    and suddenly disappeared(or are they still around). Martial arts like
    Vajramushti, Kuttu Varisai, etc also disappeared. I have heard some believe
    it was Vajramushti which influenced the Chinese to start KungFu.

    Hope somebody can give us a good write on these ancient arts and weapons.
    There are lots of writings on the net but would be nice if somebody gives a
    write up in the group about what the Kshatriyas trained on during the Chola,
    Pandya era. What weapons did they use?

    This is a website, that gives some backgrounder on our lost martial arts with some picturisiation..

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