Lord Macaulay's address to the British Parliament
  • Hi Al;
    Attached herewith is a scanned paper describing Lord Macaulay's speech to
    his parliament. Maybe someone can throw some upon the authenticity of this
    document. I was shocked to read it.
  • Hi Rahul,

    I am not in support of this document, but I have my reservations about the authenticity of this article. First, Thieves and Beggars, were always plentiful in our country whatever said and done and with plentiful massacres, wars and rebellions, whatever resulted was thievery and desititues and helpless people.

    If the British wanted to introduce their system of education, it was only to provide the natives with enough knowledge to assist the British in their administration. remember we did not have any practical classes in chemistry, geography or mathematics or even practised anatomy to assist in healthy medicine till then.

    This document is only a hoax and nothing more.
  • Dear all


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