could have beens!
  • dear sivaram k,It was well said!
    The history is full of such could have beens. We have
    to see the merits based on the situations prevailing
    then. Not that they dont know. At that period also
    there should have been able ministers to counsel their
    kings but the dogged determination , the poverty that
    possibly prevailed in Afganistan, the allurement of
    the riches here, the eternal rivalry of kings over
    trivialities all were perhaps contributory factors.
    But we doggedly refuse to learn lessons from history
    where the failure is very costly.
    But again, like the Kargil they should not sleep
    and keep an eternal vigil and be prepared to
    sacrifice quite a few soldiers in the process in the
    biting cold. All these looted treasure where they
    went? Ultimately to fill the coffers of the British I
    presume. Like Syamanthakamani changing hands in

    yours sincerely,

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