some clarifications
  • >
    > Dear All,

    A mail from a novice. Orissa Balasubramanian's poetry sums it all. Those who
    want to try the real thing out fromhistory to become scholars can go ahead,
    those intend to appreciate only literature also please go ahead and those
    like me who are caught inbetween would try to pick up threads as much as we
    can in both literature and history and assimilate as much as we can. So no
    personalisation and mails affecting the group's unity. I really admire
    (again don't put me in one side and attack from the other) the time
    Kamalakannan @A.K. took to demystify certain never ending issues and put it
    simple and also Venketesh for his reply. Both are good in researches and
    both have contributed a lot in the PS mails. So, I take this chance to
    reuqest both men spend more of their energy to contribute more articles in
    this group for novices like me. Varalaaru team, I would like to document all
    historical places where paintings and good sculptures are available in and
    around South India (those which are not yet thrown open to public) so that
    as an artist and a photographer, I gain a lot and share with members.

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