• Hello;

    I dont know if the people who are taking care of are
    using Google Analytics. If not pleasego through the below mail.
    All you have to have is a Gmail account. The link for Google Analytics is*analytics*/
    Once there login using your Gmail Account. Inside you would be asked to
    register for a Invitation code. Register using your name and Gmail id. It
    would take sometime(days) for the id to come. Once you receive
    the Invitation Code, login into Analytics enter the website url.

    Analytics is very useful to knowing how famous is our website. It gives a
    very very clear account on the number visitors per day. It shows from which
    country they are, how long they spend on the site,how many pages they view,
    what is the internet connection the use. It also shows how many pages they
    visit. it is an incredibly usefull tool and is also very easy to use and its
    free, which is the most important thing. We can also change certain data on
    the site to make it more visible on the site

    I am using it extensively for my company website, it helps to know how many
    people around the world access my site. This helps a lot.

    Hope you guys found the above mail useful.
  • Dear Rahul
    Thats very useful Will speak to Vijay about this
  • Dear MrSridhar;
    A single Analytics account can hold multiple websites, so you can add as well when you receive the authorisation from Google.

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