mail from aswin ( a member of ponniyin selvan)
  • Dear members,
    i am an inactive (?) member in ps group.yet, i read all the posts... on one of searches in our files section , i found the article about "adapt a temple". I found that interesting and hence contacted Dr.Kannan , who conceived the idea.
    He has asked me to shower thoughts (yes, thats the new word , they are using for BRainstorming,not to hurt people with brain disorders).

    I need your thoughts about the reply of Dr.Kannan.
    I am willing to contribute something to this effort.

    Let us initiate some discussions on this..
  • Dear sir,
    Thanks for your appreciation. I read mail of
    mr.chandrasekar , saying that he knows sai seva member
    doing this in weekends.May be he can help us and no
    words of praise can fulfill the achievements of
    mr.mouli and family. it is indeed a divine task....
    The idea put forth by dr.kannan is also the same..
    He says, that he needs a volunteer base in chennai, to
    do all the actions, and an internet community to
    initiate and monitor those actions.
    I will contact some of my friends in chennai see if i
    can come up with something...

    elders know much better in this regard..
    if we can set up some volunteer base, things will work

    thanks and i need your comments and let us discuss
    about this..


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